With four kids, a couple of them were always at the End of the Pavement with their dad. We kidded Shaun about starting a baseball team, but he was five short of a full line up.
They were good parents and always made sure that family came first.
Maria, Shaun, Aaron, Erika, John, and Raymond made a good looking family.
This little guy was a cutie pie.
Tina was Maria's sister. They all lived within walking distance of the End of the Pavement.
This little guy was with Shaun at Darrell's. We were watching the Super Bowl Game.
A group of us gathered in the kitchen where things were quieter. We could still hear all of the excitement whenever there was a touchdown.
These guys were taking a rest. All of Shaun and Marie's kids were well-behaved.
Jessica, Erika, and John were smart little kids. They knew where to go to have fun.
They enjoyed family time in the great outdoors.
Kevin also knew where to go for some fun.
Kevin, Shaun's brother, loved a good game of horseshoes. He was a talker and told all kinds of interesting stories.
Email: hometown30512@yahoo.com
© 2018 - 2020 by Janice Boling
Web Design, photos, and content development by Janice Boling