Laura Garrett Hunter Snow
By Janice Boling

Laura was free-spirited, tender-hearted, and beautiful.

She was a natural in front of the camera and not one bit shy.

Laura in black hat

Laura in black hat

Laura was a good friend. She was loyal and always there for anyone who needed a shoulder to cry on.

Laura up close

She had a way about her that could cheer people up.

Laura Hunter

Laura with big bubble

She had about ten pieces of gum in her mouth. That bubble got as big as a basketball before it burst.

Janice and Laura in long coats

Laura looked great in red.

That coat was passed down from my mother but was way too small for me. It fit Laura perfectly.

Laura and a swing

Laura and a swing

This photo captured a little bit of Laura's personality.

Look at those leggings and flats! She looked good in cute clothes but could have worn a burlap sack and still looked pretty.

Luella and Laura

Laura and Louella enjoyed the sunshine.

I guess they were getting sleepy. Is that a big yawn?

Laura with Louella

A few months later

Laura did not like to sit at home so we loaded up Ivy and took her with us. Laura liked to get out and do things and so did I.

Laura with dogs

Laura rescues a dog with pups

Laura insisted that we stop and rescue these dogs that were living in a ditch. We took them to her house and then to the Humane Society.

Laura with pups

Laura with pups

Laura would not leave these pups to spend another night in a ditch. I hope they all found forever homes.

Laura and her cat

Laura with a Persian cat

Laura also liked cats. This fat cat had it made.

Laura with cat

Laura and her cat

Laura loved all animals. She had a heart of gold and could not stand to see anything in pain or suffering.

This picture is showing some damage in the bottom left corner. I am glad to have a scanner so that I can save my photos before they are completely gone.

Laura and Alvin

Laura and Alvin socialized in town.

Laura and I partied a lot together before she had kids. We also spent time just riding around town and on the dirt roads looking for something exciting to do.

If anyone could find a party, it was Laura. She loved people and they loved her.





© 2018 - 2020 by Janice Boling

Web Design, photos, and content development by Janice Boling